Try these 5 Solutions, if Your WhatsApp Call Isn’t Working

The launch of WhatsApp’s call and video features was greeted with great enthusiasm by customers. Users didn’t need to spend as much money on airtime only to make such long calls.

Users may spend long periods making phone calls without worrying about running out of airtime if they have mobile data and a robust internet connection.

However, as with any other mobile or web application, there will be some glitches when using some of its features. When you are unable to utilize the WhatsApp call or video function, here are some popular solutions to consider.

1: Try Restarting Your Phone

It’s the first step you need to do when attempting to diagnose any bug on any cellphone or gadget. As you utilize apps, your phone’s RAM is consumed. Even if you dismiss some of these RAM-hungry applications, they may not be shut down and continue to be running in the background. Other applications may be unable to use RAM and function correctly as a result of this. Your device’s RAM will be freed up by turning it off and on.

2. Give the Required Permissions to WhatsApp

Allowing WhatsApp to utilize your phone’s camera and microphone is required for the WhatsApp call functionality to operate. If you’re experiencing trouble using the WhatsApp call or video function, make sure you’ve given it all of the necessary permissions.

For this, you have to go to your Android phone’s ‘Settings’ and choose ‘Apps.’ After that, scroll down until you see WhatsApp and click on it. Turn on the ‘Camera’ and ‘Microphone’ options under ‘Access permission.’

3. Verify the Internet Connection

It’s important to check that your mobile data plan (or internet subscription) is active, or that the Internet/Wi-Fi network you’re connected to is working and has a good network signal. The video and call features of WhatsApp are only available when your device is connected to the internet.

4. Try Uninstalling Incompatible Third-Party Apps

Some third-party applications such as proxies and VPNs on your smartphone may interfere with WhatsApp, stopping you from conducting voice and video conversations. Other antivirus software, like anti-virus, may potentially be tampering with your privileges. Consider simply uninstalling these clashing applications to test if you can now make WhatsApp calls.

5. Try to Update or reinstall the WhatsApp app                                                      

However, before you do so, make a backup of your WhatsApp conversations to avoid losing them when you reinstall the application. If the issue continues after you’ve tried the aforementioned solutions, you might want to consider reinstalling the program.

Also, if you’re still using an older/outdated version of WhatsApp, you should try updating it because the problem might be with the program itself, and switching to the most recent version could be the answer.

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6. There’s a chance that WhatsApp won’t work or WhatsApp Could be down.

It’s possible that your WhatsApp calls aren’t working due to a WhatsApp outage. Such disruptions are uncommon, but they do occur. On the 4th of October 2021, for example, WhatsApp and much of Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram had a global outage. When this happens, all you have to do is wait until the firm corrects the issue.

After all, contact WhatsApp support. To do so, go to WhatsApp Settings, scroll down to ‘Help,’ and click ‘Contact us.’

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