What is meant by a Cloud Backup

What is meant by a Cloud Backup

Cloud backup is already a common practice, but many people aren’t aware of all the options they have.  But it is also a fact that Cloud computing and cloud storage are becoming more and more popular. Cloud backup, in particular, is something many SMEs don’t think about. This, however, is something that all small businesses … Read more

3 Best Cloud Storage Managers in 2022

Best Cloud Storage Managers

If you are using cloud storage services to store your files, you might run into situations where you need to upload data to different cloud storage accounts. This can be a hassle if you are working with multiple cloud storage accounts as you have to constantly switch from one account to another to upload data … Read more

Try these 5 Solutions, if Your WhatsApp Call Isn’t Working

whatsapp call isn't working

The launch of WhatsApp’s call and video features was greeted with great enthusiasm by customers. Users didn’t need to spend as much money on airtime only to make such long calls. Users may spend long periods making phone calls without worrying about running out of airtime if they have mobile data and a robust internet … Read more